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Demand and Supply

The 2010 Georgetown University Center for Education and the Workforce study of “Projections of Jobs and Education Requirements Through 2018”...


Six students from a top Long Island high school each hired the same recent high school graduate to take the...

Teacher Evaluation

At all levels of education in the New York area, the key conversation at this moment in time revolves around...

Race To Nowhere

For almost a year, I have received a series of recommendations to see the film Race to Nowhere by filmmaker...

Looking Forward

As I write this blog on Labor Day, I am looking forward to the next day when fall semester classes...

Hats Off

I am writing this blog in a hotel in Seattle. I picked the hotel because it has LEEDS certification and...

Hurricane Rhetoric

On Saturday just before Hurricane Irene hits Long Island, I venture, very early in the morning, into the local supermarket...

Well Protected…

With the growth of on-line services has come a wealth of convenience. I log into the Hofstra portal and my...