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You've Got to Be Carefully Taught

Like so many others, I was saddened and discouraged to read of the death of Jamey Rodemeyer, yet another promising...

Math Geek Mom: New Ideas?

I remember being part of a meeting many years ago where the term “STEM” (to describe the fields of Science...

Long Distance Mom: Domestic Partnering

I was informed recently that my son Nick will receive free tuition from my partner’s university, as long as Ted...

Smells like an anniversary

Last Saturday, a head-banging tune on the car radio took me way back to my graduate school days. It’s interesting...

Considering "Another Anon"

"Another Anon" wrote, in part, in response to Libby's latest post: When I first saw this blog I had a...

Math Geek Mom: 'I Want Both'

As readers of my column here know, I like to start my entries out by providing a “hook” from either...

Long Distance Mom: Not Even Past

I’ve seen two films recently that reflect on the lives of women who work away from their children for jobs...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Who Speaks for Anon?

Rosemarie Emanuel’s piece last week on bifurcating really got me thinking. My first thought was that I was glad that...