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Long Distance Mom: Antioch Confidential

“If evil is inevitable, how are the wicked accountable? Nay, why do we call men wicked at all? Evil is...

ABC's and PhD's: Damage Control

A flood has forced me to reckon with my past. As floods go it was minor and certainly no major...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Reading Aloud

I read aloud in my classes a lot. In children’s lit, I explain that I want my students to experience...

Motherhood After Tenure: eating pedagogy

Last night a former student took over my kitchen, riffling through my cabinets, grabbing spices -- chopping, simmering, zesting, and...

ABC's and PhD's: Moving

I really never thought that I would end up as a grown up life living 3000 miles away from my...

Mothering at Mid-Career: Time Management

My sixth-grade son Nick recently had to write a “reflection” piece after finishing a sixth-grade math project. It began with...

Math Geek Mom: May You Live in Interesting Times

When the Titanic sunk on April 15 of 1911, I am sure that a young couple named William and Carroll...

Long Distance Mom: Head Injury

The worst-case scenario if you are a long distance parent is that a medical emergency will happen when you aren’t...