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Tacit Knowledge and the Student Researcher

I've started a list of tacit knowledge many of us have about information based on experiences that our students haven’t had.

Throwing the Books at Each Other

All libraries face a certain amount of conflict over weeding. But weeding is just one aspect of a broader struggle over books.

Ordinary Americans

Whenever I hear some official reassure us that “ordinary Americans have nothing to fear,” I start to worry.

Kairos: Open Since 1996

Open access publishing has been gaining ground. I thought it would be instructive to talk to Doug Eyman, editor of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, & Pedagogy - which has been exploring the potential of open access web-based publishing since 1996.

Seeking les Mots Injustes

I have never taken to calling people who use libraries “customers.”

End Robo-Research Assessment

Let's end the tyranny of the impact factor.

Maize Books: Michigan Publishing Sows a New Imprint

Aaron McCullough and Meredith Kahn answer questions about an innovative new imprint at Michigan Publishing.

States of Ignorance

The Supreme Court’s ruling last week that states can limit Freedom of Information Act requests to residents of those states is troubling.