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Supporting Chuck Severance's Blackboard Work

Our ed tech community should offer our full support to both Chuck Severance and Blackboard on his ascension to Blackboard's Sakai Strategist. In his role at Blackboard, Chuck will maintain his faculty appointment at the University of Michigan as a Clinical Associate Professor of Information in the School of Information. Blackboard will support his consulting, research, and summer salary - but my understanding of the relationship is that Chuck will retain a high degree of autonomy and discretion.

3 Reasons Why Blackboard Will Change Its Name

I predict that within one year that Blackboard will not be called Blackboard any longer. My money on this re-branding will be something that invokes another company that made the transition from products to services, IBM. Maybe something like EAS (Educational Academic Services), or BES (Blackboard Educational Services) - something like that.

Blackboard, Moodlerooms and Netspot: First Reactions

What do you think of Blackboard's big announcement that they are buying Moodlerooms and Netspot, and bringing Chuck Severance and the leadership of these companies to a new Open Source Services business?

Now & Then: "Is a College Education Still Worth the Price?"

Is a College Education Still Worth the Price? costs $2.99. I'm not quite sure if a college education is worth the price (something on my mind as I'll be paying two sets of tuition in 2017), but I am sure that the Schwartz's book is well worth this investment.

"The Games" Event That Really Matters

Maybe you think that the big "Games" event today is the premier of the Hunger Games movie. You'd be wrong. The big event that you should be anticipating is when you buy/borrow/download Ted Kosmatka's amazing new book, The Games.

Corporate Vs. Academic Ed Tech Management Styles

Going up the management learning curve is one of my goals. Great management is like Justice Potter Stewart's description of pornography, we can't define exactly what it is but "we know it when we see it."

Education Innovation 'Beyond the Hole in the Wall'

We cannot predict what the next big thing in educational technology will be. We do not know what will come after the learning management system (LMS), iTunesU, MOOC's, MITx, or Khan Academy.

"Gutenberg the Geek"

It's hard to not feel that we are passing through a post-Gutenberg (post-Gutenbergian?) phase. Hasn't the e-book, the Kindle and the Nook, killed its paper cousin? Surprisingly, the answer is no. In 2010 publishing revenue increased 3.1%, to a healthy $27.9 billion. E-book sales rose almost 40% from the year before, bringing in $1.62 billion in revenue.