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3 Questions for Coursera About Generative AI in Education

How this tech will change the learning experience, course creation and more.

The cover of "Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow" by Gabrielle Zevin

Learning Designers Will Love ‘Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow’

Game design and online course development as creative team journeys.

Cover of Generations by Jean Twenge, with the title in multicolored lowercase letters.

‘Generations’ and Tomorrow’s Gen Z Academic Workforce

How will colleges and universities attract and retain faculty and staff born between 1995 and 2012?

The New Hybrid Campus Workplace Culture Through the Lens of Online Learning

Why campus workplace culture must be designed with as much intentionality as our best online courses.

Future Labor Shortages and the University as a Workplace

Why attracting and retaining high-quality faculty and staff should be among the top priorities of every university leader.

Apple Vision Pro, Higher Education and the Next 10 Years

How this technology will play out in our world over the next decade.