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A Student's Views

A Dartmouth senior, Lucretia Witte, conducted a research project "collecting information and testimonies on how students view the roles of...

Questions About the iPad

Spent this weekend "moving in" to my iPad. Been thinking about what to say, which made me think about what...

Librarians as Learning Designers?

The Question: Should learning design duties be added to traditional subject librarian tasks? The Role: A learning designer, in the...

Increasing the Library Role?

Great discussion around the "Eroding Library Role?" article from 4/7. One area that I'd like to engage the library community...

11 Ideas About Which I May Be Wrong

We only really learn anything when there is a possibility that our ideas may be wrong. Any assertions that we...

Why Cory Doctorow Is Wrong About the iPad

Fair warning - Cory Doctorow is much smarter than I am - so you'd probably want to side with him...

A Defense of Textbooks

I like textbooks. I like to design courses around textbooks. How can I promote textbooks with one hand and open...

The Brain and Learning Technology

I'm reading a great book called The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain...