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My For-Profit Biases

I received a few e-mails this week from people who work in the online for-profit sector, following my offer to...

Lecture Capture for Prelims

I heard a great idea from a faculty member today: lecture capture for prelims. Apparently, students are making use of...

An Offer for Online For-Profits

My offer is to evaluate the quality of a (hopefully representative) sample of your online course design and report the...

An 'Ask' for a New Digital Model

"I see you rolling your eyes. That’s right, you: the one in the fake-vintage rock ’n’ roll T-shirt and thick-framed...

The Faculty Academy at UMW

The list of ways that the University of Mary Washington sets the example in learning and technology is indeed long...

Curricular Media Platforms?

Can somebody help me get a handle on the curricular media platform landscape? A colleague of mine uses the short-hand...

Portability and Cost

Let us engage in a thought experiment. You are teaching a course, and you want your students to participate in...

With Curriculum, the Medium is the Message

Three predictions about how changes in the curricular mediums will alter the learning process. Prediction 1: Curricular content will be...