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The Genius in All of Us

I'm convinced that technology will provide the bridge between learning theory and teaching practice in higher ed. The gap between...

Learning Technologists and Campus Conversations

'"The idea of a "senior learning technologist" telling faculty that their syllabi should be made freely available is laughable." --Posted...

A Google / Microsoft Educational Content Platform?

The marvelous Barbara Fister writes in our discussion yesterday about my argument that Google should provide a syllabus platform: "…..I...

Syllabi Should Be Open

Every syllabus should be published, indexed, and freely available online. Where possible, the online syllabus should have these 5 traits...

YouTube As an FAQ Platform?

We make tons of screencasts for our FAQ pages. Voice-over screencasts are great ways to show people how to accomplish...

The Rational (Learning Technologist) Optimist

Every now and again a book comes out that deserves to be read and discussed by your entire campus (or...

An Instructor Tech Floor

Dean Dad's "A Nerdy Academic's Tech Wish List" got me thinking about what tech behaviors and abilities that I wish...

Read the Bad Facebook Book

This recommendation is only for people who work in higher education. Civilians should stay away. I have 3 reasons why...