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An $18 Million, 3 Year, Ed Tech Dataset Proposal

Proposal Overview: This project will develop and disseminate a representative dataset of anonymous information from U.S. postsecondary enterprise learning management...

Discouraging EDU Lessons from Netflix Streaming

I used to watch lots of great movies and TV shows from Netflix. Today, I watch less, and what I...

Corporate University Questions

A few years ago I was offered a job at a corporate university at a large financial institution. This was...

Why 'Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure' Will Prove Influential

Adapt: Why Success Always Starts with Failure by Tim Harford Adapt will be an influential book. I read lots of...

A Mobile Learning Platform Matrix

Full Laptop (Windows / Mac) Tablet (iPad / Android / PlayBook / others?) Smart Phone (Android / iPhone / Blackberry...

Roads Taken and Not Taken

A good friend from grad school came to visit this weekend. He is the chair of his department, and has...

'The Man Who Lied to His Laptop' - And Yelled at His LMS

The Man Who Lied to His Laptop: What Machines Teach Us About Human Relationships by Clifford Nass and Corina Yen...

A Tale of 3 Cases

If clothing makes the man, then cases make the academic technologist. iPhone: This is the case that I hope launches...