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10 Reasons Why Your (EDU) Boss Should Tweet

Does your boss tweet? 10 reasons why they should: 1. We want to know what is on your mind.2. We...

Sysadmins: 6 Observations and 3 Appreciations

Almost every campus project I work on involves eventually partnering with a system administrator (sysadmin). Whether or not the platform...

2 Problems and 2 Best Practices for Blended Meetings

If you are supporting blended learning, you are probably having blended meetings. If you learn how to do blended meetings...

Instructure Canvas Has Some Buzz

Instructure's Canvas learning management system (LMS) keeps popping up in the conversations I've been having. I'll be speaking to someone...

5 Things I No Longer Wish to Own

Is this desire to shed ownership of things a life cycle story, a digital story, or something else? Do you...

4 Reasons We Should Care About Netflix's Dumb Moves

The News: Netflix is breaking into two divisions, Netflix for stream and Qwikster for DVDs. The Problem: An integrated service...

"1493" and How We Teach History

Before I jump into an argument about how we teach history, I want to make we don't lose the point...

Collegiality, Online Discussions, and EdTech Vendors

Higher ed is tough on our vendors. We are a vocal bunch, we like to share our opinions, and with...