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The Embedded EDU Startup

An embedded startup consists of a dedicated team working on a new business within a larger organization. The dedicated team is formed in a conscious effort to avoid mimicking the culture, organizational structure, norms, and assumptions of the larger organization.

An Argument to Spend 24 Hours with "Private Empire"

24 hours and 16 minutes is how long it took me to listen to the audio version of Steve Coll's Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power. That translates into 704 pages for all of you eyeball-centric reading people.

The Costs of a Jammed Calendar

Go look at your calendar. How much of your week last was scheduled in meetings or other events? Recently, I received a piece of critical feedback from someone whose insights I greatly respect. She told me that my calendar (in our case a cloud based Office 365 calendar) is looking "awfully full."

3 Suggestions for For-Profits

Let me begin by stating my biases about for-profit education. I believe in the potential of for-profit education to be a force for good. I believe that the profit motive is not antithetical to the larger societal goals of higher education.

3 Reasons Why Your Department Should Host A Webinar

Is hosting your own webinar on your radar screen? Perhaps it should be. When I say webinar I mean a synchronous online event that is free to anyone who registers. An event where a subject matter expert presents something, and where (hopefully) there is time for questions, answers and discussions.

Yet More Conflation of MOOCs with Online Education: An Open Letter to Dr. Matloff

Dear Dr. Matloff. Thank you for contributing to our community's discussion about the pros and cons of MOOCs. I thought that your critique of the limitations of the current MOOC offerings in your Bloomberg opinion column Dumbed-Down Math and Other Perils of Online College made many valid points about the challenges of bringing a college course to scale.

How Important Is Cellular for E-Learning on Tablets?

I've become enamored with the iPad mini as an e-learning device. The iPad mini, which is 7.9 inches tall and 5.3 inches wide, fits nicely in one hand. It is also a quarter lighter and half the weight of a standard size iPad, making reading or watching course videos a pleasure.

Kentucky’s School Technology Leadership Program

The School Technology Leadership Program at the University of Kentucky is an excellent example of an MTOP (Micro-Targeted Online Program).