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Conversations with Companies: EDUCAUSE 2010

I go to EDUCAUSE for the companies. More precisely, for the conversations I can have with the people who represent...

Reading 'On the Grid'

Are you an infrastructure junkie? Do you love server rooms, old steam tunnels, and campus power plants? Are you curious...

Gut Reactions to McGraw-Hill Acquiring Tegrity

Smart move: The big publishers, (McGraw-Hill, Pearson, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Reed Elsevier), all realize that unless they change they will...

5 Concise Reasons to Read Robert Reich's 'Afterschock'

I love short books. Can you recommend any good, but concise, nonfiction? Great reads under 200 pages? Here are my...

What Gorillas Are We Missing?

Before you read this review of The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us by Christopher F. Chabris...

Your Non-Linear Ed Tech Career?

What is your career path? How did you get to your current job? If you are anything like me, or...

The No TV Nation

Are you a member of the "No TV Nation"? Have you given up cable and satellite TV? Do you get...

In Praise of Virtual Conferences

Congratulations to the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) for putting on their amazing Online Fall Focus Session on 9/15 and 9/16...