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The B.R.I.C.I.'s, Higher Ed,

The thing about the Chrome laptop is that it will eventually (soon) be very cheap. The Chrome laptop is not...

Questioning 'What Technology Wants'

I think you should read What Technology Wants and decide for yourself if Kelly is saying anything new or interesting...

Adobe Connect Pro for Browser-Based Voice-Over Authoring?

Requirements: The ability to easily create and share voice-over presentations. Does not require any download or installation of an application...

Google: Groupon? Not Blackboard?

Six billion for Groupon from Google would have been a stupid number. A stupid deal. Google got lucky that Groupon...

From Education the Next GoogleFacebook

I'm writing this post under the intoxicating influence of Kevin Kelly's " What Technology Wants". Blame Kelly for any hyperbole...

Would You Build a New 600 Seat Classroom?

Last week I had the pleasure to spend time with Fred Siff, Professor and CIO Emeritus University of Cincinnati, at...

Book Freak Social Network Wish List

I'm unsatisfied with the options for virtual book clubbing. This seems like a solvable problem. The place I go most...

High School Students and Technology

I'm going to ask for 7 and 45 seconds of your time (believe me, I know this is asking for...