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Tablet Confusion for Lecture Capture

Please help. What I Need: The ability for faculty to write on PowerPoint slides during lecture capture recording sessions (ECHO...

How I Think About E-Books

"……the under 30 crowd? They are nearly as skeptical as their grandparents, with 58% saying they had no interest in...

Student Views on Technology and Teaching

Today was one of those days that us educators live for. A recent graduate, Lucretia Witte (who is now teaching...

How Would You Spend $100 Million?

Anya Kamenetz has an article in this month's Fast Company, " How to Spend $100 Million to Really Save Education"...

'On Second Thought'

Wray Herbert's engaging On Second Thought: Outsmarting Your Mind's Hard-Wired Habits has three main messages: 1. Evolved Brains: Our minds...

CES 2011, Motorola Atrix, and Higher Ed

Dean Dad mostly covered the CES 2011 landscape. For my part, I've been spending some enjoyable time on the web...

8 Reasons For Engaging with EDU For-Profits

Why am I interested in engaging with (talking to, spending time with, breaking bread with etc.) people (leadership, faculty, administrators)...

Unimpressed: Google EDU Apps Marketplace

"Google Inc. is talking with educational-software companies to help build a marketplace for online learning programs, an industry whose value...