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Sharing 'The Disappearing Spoon'

The nicest thing that one person can do for another is to give a book (maybe that is why I'm...

"My Word!": Rethinking the Roots of Plagiarism

Our next book club selection for our Center for the Advancement of Learning ( DCAL) is My Word!: Plagiarism and...

TV, Higher Ed, and Change

Will higher ed follow the TV quality curve? TV today is immeasurably better than the time when I was in...

Higher Ed and 'Shock of Gray'

How old will you be in 2050? I will be 81. At 81 I plan to be still working in...

Instructure's Canvas LMS: 7 Cheers

Go and check out Instructure's new Canvas LMS. You can play with the system, as I have been doing, by...

3 Problems with "Higher Education?"

I recommend that you read Higher Education?: How Colleges Are Wasting Our Money and Failing Our Kids and What We...

My Hopes for Capella U

Yesterday, I wrote about what I learned about Capella U. The discussion around the post was great - a challenging...