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TED: Swap "Education" for "Entertainment"

Should TED replace "Entertainment" with " Education"? Doesn't "Technology, Education, Design" make more sense than "Technology, Entertainment, Design"? Entertainment? We've...

Gigabit Web, South Korea, and the Coming Asian EDU Century

"By the end of 2012, South Korea intends to connect every home in the country to the Internet at one...

The AV Learning Curve

A career in educational technology means days spent working with people who (hopefully) know more than you do about almost...

Idea for a Network/Platform/App for Creators

This post is written for three audiences:- People willing to pull apart, critique and improve upon the idea.- People who...

Courses are Apps, Colleges are Platforms

Courses are Apps, Colleges are Platforms. Courses are like Apps Because: Courses and apps are self-contained. Courses and apps are...

Should You Read 'Why the West Rules - For Now'

Yes. Ian Morris' Why the West Rules--for Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future is...

On Selling My EDU Soul to Apple

Dear Apple. I'm ready to trade you my EDU soul in exchange for the following products: A learning management system...

An iPad 2 LMS Fantasy

Sending shockwaves through the ed tech establishment, Apple unveiled the iPad LMS at the March 2nd iPad 2 event. The...