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A Biography of Plastic

Plastic: A Toxic Love Story by Susan Freinkel A Challenge: Write down every object that you use in one day...

Microsoft's Mobile EDU Opportunity

Windows 7 Phone. Anyone out there have one of these bad boys in their pocket? The latest numbers I can...

5 Reasons Why Google's 20% Time Fails Higher Ed

Gmail, Google News, Google Talk, AdSense - all the fruits of Google's policy of reserving 20% of the developer's time...

Dear Fellow Late iPhone / Android Adopters

Dear fellow Late iPhone / Android adopters (e.g. dumb phone owners). And before either of the Windows phone folks, or...

Consuming 'Made in Britain'

Made in Britain by Evan Davis Are you fascinated by how people manage to earn a living? Does an economy...

EDU Publishing and LMS Business Models

"… we’ve discovered alignment in views about the importance of the shift from print to digital education content, and that...

Google+ Hangouts and the Future of the LMS

At this writing, I don't have Google+ (someone please invite me…..). Was not a beta tester for Google's Chromebook (I...

Are You a Word Track Changes or Google Docs Person?

The world is divided into two types of people: those who prefer Track Changes in Word and those who prefer...