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In Support of 'The Optimism Bias'

The Optimism Bias: A Tour of the Irrationally Positive Brain by Tali SharotIf you have made a career in educational...

Tech That Every Campus Needs: The Hustler Zeon

What technology should every postsecondary institution invest in? An enterprise LMS? Lecture capture? Media management? Synchronous meeting or Web conferencing...

Can Anyone Explain Apple University?

I'm counting on the IHE community to share some knowledge. Do any of you know anything about Apple University? TheNextWeb...

10 Guidelines for Running Synchronous Web Teaching Sessions

Are you planning on holding synchronous class sessions, using Web meeting tools like Adobe Connect, Blackboard Collaborate, WebEx, or Microsoft...

EdTech Companies: Do You Really Want Our Input?

Do you get asked by edtech companies to provide input on product features and platform enhancements? Perhaps you've been asked...

4 EDU Lessons from the Netflix 60% Price Increase

Last week Netflix announced that the subscription cost for unlimited streaming and 1 DVD out at-a-time is increasing from $10...

7 Reasons Why I'm Excited about edSurge

"The market for edtech information is broken -- and we'd like to glue the pieces together." This quote comes from...

Your Advice for Online Learners?

Recently, I was asked what advice I'd give to a new online learner. What are the main things that an...