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Library Borrowing: Kindle vs. OverDrive

Why is the e-book borrowing experience with OverDrive so atrocious? How is it that Amazon is able to make the "Kindle Books from Your Local Library" so easy, while OverDrive makes the process so painful?

A Conversation With Our Student Hacker Club

Last week I had the privilege of spending time with some members of our student Hacker Club. The goal of this discussion, one of many that we are having with many members and groups in our community, is to identify the digital ideas and innovations that hold the most promise for our institution.

Digital Content and Smart Librarians

My ability to make strong arguments about how our academic libraries should navigate the new ecosystem of digital books (e-books & audiobooks) seems to be inversely related to the amount of time I spend engaging the library community on these issues.

The Bookless Library & The Digital Content Divide

Barbara Fister writes in "The Myth of the Bookless Library", "No matter how innovative the bookless library sounds, this isn't a situation we planned. If the academic library of the future is bookless, it won’t be because of vision. It will be because of the lack of it." I think I understand the perspective of my library colleagues.

Accountability Yes, Hierarchy No

I just don't think that hierarchy works in organizations that live at the intersection of education and technology.

Standing Up to Steve Jobs

I'm still curious if you are reading, or plan to read, Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs. (And I'd love to find a way to test my hypothesis that more people in the IHE community are simultaneously reading this book than any previous book - a question I don't know how to solve short of hacking into Amazon's servers).

Are You Reading "Steve Jobs"?

Raise your (virtual) hand (maybe through DISQUS comments) if you are reading (or have read) Isaacson's Steve Jobs.

On Meetings and Teaching

I think I love running meetings because I love teaching. The skills to run a good meeting and run a good classroom are related. The experience of keeping a class full of students all together is great preparation for doing the same with colleagues in a meeting. Good teaching, even lecturing, is about conversation. So are good meetings.