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E-Book Questions for 'On Being Presidential'

Totally excited to see On Being Presidential: A Guide for College and University Leader (with an IHE tie-in) available in paper and e-book. When I clicked on the ad on IHE today I was taken to this site. $40 bucks for the paper version, and $19.99 for the e-book.

Coal, Gas, Nuclear, Hydro and the Higher Ed Data Center

I'm in the middle of reading (actually listening to) Daniel Yergin's amazing new book The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World. Are any of you also reading The Quest? (It is 816 pages, or almost 30 hours in audio - and worth every second).

YouTube for Schools and Lecture Capture

YouTube announced YouTube for Schools today, a variant of YouTube designed to be more education friendly.

A First Look at the Canvas for iOS Mobile App

I've been playing with the Canvas for iOS app on my iPhone and iPad for the past couple of days.

Facebook is a $100 Billion Tulip

This post is aimed at university chief investment officers. Please don't put endowment resources into the planned 2012 Facebook IPO. If Russian oligarchs or Wall Street fund managers want to place a Facebook bet, by all means go for it.

Staff Gigs, Intellectual Life, and Social Media

Raise your hand if you are not on the tenure track, but long for the space and time to think, write, reflect, and create? I know that faculty do many many things beyond research and writing, (teaching, advising, service, etc.), but it is almost exclusively faculty who get to conduct research and publish results.

Committee Work Is Not Hard Work

Committee work may be time intensive. And committee work might not be as relevant as we'd like for promotion. But committee work is not hard work.

Bowling, Bumpers and Higher Ed

This past weekend I went bowling, and I lost. 3 games to nil. My opponent - a 13 year old middle-schooler.