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System D and "The Stealth of Nations"

Stealth of Nations: The Global Rise of the Informal Economy by Robert Neuwirth "System D" is Neuwirth's term to describe what others have called the "informal economy", "the gray market", or the "underground economy."

The IHE Kindle Lending Society

Can I lend you a Kindle e-book? Do you have any Kindle e-books to share?

"An Innovation Renaissance": Kindle Book + TED Talk

This TED talk / concise Kindle book tie-up is pure genius. There is something both substantial and efficient about the length of the videos and the books.

TED Talk + E-Book = "Media Makeover"

Would Media Makeover count towards promotion and tenure? A 4 minute and 27 second TED talk that has been viewed over 533,000 times. A 31 page e-book that sell for under 3 bucks. Is this scholarship that would count? Just curious.

Publishing, Education and "How A Book Is Born"

If you work in higher ed, you fall asleep every night asking yourself the following questions: Will we suffer the same fate as the record industry, the bookstores and the newspaper business? Is higher ed another example of a physical, as opposed to a digital, information industry - and therefore ripe for disruption? If the core business model of education is built on scarcity, will we survive this transition to information abundance?

Synthesizing 'The Gated City'

Why do you live where you live? Did you move for a job, a partners job, or for the location? Perhaps it is the schools? Avent, an economics correspondent for The Economist and primary contributor to the Free Exchange blog, thinks that the most powerful explanatory variable of location choice is housing prices.

Twitter, Screencasts, and Non-Traditional Students: 3 Lessons

This is a story about a professor who wanted his students to use Twitter to continue an in-class discussion. As...

"Race Against The Machine" vs. "The Great Stagnation"

Race Against The Machine is a 67 page count-argument to Tyler Cowen's excellent (128 page) The Great Stagnation.