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"The Fear Index": Smart Tech Fiction

We are suffering under an acute shortage of technologically literate smart fiction. The Fear Index should be read up by everyone who works in and around computing.

5 Ideas to Support Innovation in Higher Ed

What would you say if you were asked to list the 5 principles, ideas, actions, steps, or investments you would make to support and catalyze innovation in learning and scholarship at your institution?

What Weird Super Bowl Streaming Says About Online Ed

I was finally able watch the Super Bowl at home. We don't have cable, satellite or broadcast TV- and for the most part we don't miss it. Restricting our ability to channel surf has resulted in more reading and better (at least more purposeful) video selections. It has been a good choice for our family.

5 Foundational Principles for Course Design

The big secret amongst many of us who work in online learning is that we are not all that wild about online courses. Sure, we think online courses can be great, and can fill an important need, but what really gets us excited is learning.

9 Academic Freedoms Of Not Having Tenure

Sometimes I regret not pursuing a life on the tenure track. Academic freedom and job security both sound pretty good. Life took me in a different direction, however, and at points I need to remind myself that it has been a pretty good ride.

EdTech Marketing and Social Media

If your PR people are spending most of their time reaching out to journalists (or even aghast bloggers), then your PR folks are underutilized. They should instead be spending most of their time training, supporting and coaching all the people (everyone) who work in your organization to join the marketing department.

EdTech Lessons from "The Big Roads"

Us edtech guys and gals are infrastructure geeks. We like to understand, and to talk about, the engineering that makes our systems run. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - have you made a concerted effort to sell The Big Roads to the vast, wealthy, and influential population that makes its living in learning technology?