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Higher Ed, The Market, and "What Money Can't Buy"

What Money Can't Buy arrives at an opportune time as we debate on campus our relationship to larger market forces. The prevailing ethos in nonprofit higher ed seems to be well aligned with Sandel's central thesis, namely that markets are not neutral arbitrators of relationships, but instead influence and impact the exchanges in which market mechanisms dominate.

Global Education, Google and Apple

The idea that Google is better positioned than Apple to impact global higher education may seem counterintuitive.

6 Ideas To Improve Audible's Social Features

The Good News: has finally started to roll out some social features designed to crowdsource audiobook buying recommendations by connecting subscribers with reviewers (and reviews) that may be of interest. The Bad News: I only have 2 followers.

The Missing EDU Hardware Reviews

There was an interesting exchange in the comments section In Audrey Watters' recent (terrific) review of the new Chromebook over at her Hack Education home.

Apple and My Dream EDU WWDC Announcements

Maybe I expect too much from Apple. Each time that I watch a WWDC Keynote I hold out some degree of hope that education will move from the periphery to the core in Apple's strategy.

Cars, Computers, and "Engines of Change"

When I was in 9th grade (in 1984) I subscribed to 4 car magazines: Motor Trend, Car & Driver, Road & Track, and & Automobile. Today, my fondest dream is to own zero cars and to rent an occasional Zip Car (preferably a Prius, Volt, or Leaf) whenever the need for driving should arise.

Synchronous Web Teaching Magic

The other day I sat in on an online synchronous session in a graduate blended degree program. As I watched the session I kept thinking to myself "YES!" Yes - this is the sort of learning that technology can catalyze. Yes - this is the educational experience we would would construct if getting learners and faculty together at one place around an oval table is not feasible. And yes - we need to find a way to share the potential of education at a distance to match the quality of a face-to-face seminar.

An EdTech Response to 'What Should a Year of College Cost?'

Dean Dad kicked off a great discussion in his column yesterday asking "What Should a Year of College Cost?". His post, and the dialogue that followed, got me thinking about this question from an academic technology perspective.