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In Praise of Grade Inflation

How many times have all of us complained about grade inflation? I'm guilty. You're guilty. We all do it. But...

iSlate / iTunesU / Higher Ed

Since everyone is going crazy about the possible/maybe upcoming Apple iSlate tablet, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and...

Irrelevant Facebook

Facebook is moving towards irrelevance. OK, the numbers may not back up this assertion (see Facebook dethroning Google as the...

Obsolete Learning Technologies

The Silicon Alley Insider recently named 21 technologies that became obsolete this past decade. My favorites from the list included...

Vertical Search in Higher Ed

Higher education needs a vertical search engine. This would be a great business opportunity, as a site that got higher...

Hanging at GameStop

How much time do college students spend playing video games? I did some quick Googling this morning and was unable...

Gender and Learning Technology

All my bosses have been women. I should say, all my bosses in the world of learning technology. And this...

My Gen X Academic Crowd

I've been thinking about how important my Gen X colleagues are in my professional and personal life, and I've been...