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3 Questions for Blackboard at EDUCAUSE 2011

This is an important EDUCAUSE for Blackboard. Many of us will be taking a hard look at the company, the...

Adrian Sannier, Pearson's OpenClass Guru, Responds to IHE Community Questions

Before we get to OpenClass, and my re-posting Senior Pearson VP Adrian Sannier's answers about our IHE community OpenClass questions...

Pearson Should Engage In An Open Discussion On OpenClass: 15 IHE Community Questions

As of this writing, (10/16 at 1:30pm), no one from Pearson has engaged the IHE community in our discussion about...

Pearson's OpenClass Free LMS: 4 Initial Challenges

Pearson's announcement of OpenClass, a free cloud based learning management system (LMS), will definitely change the vibe at this year's...

Live@EDU, Hosted Blackboard, and the Deal Microsoft Should Announce at EDUCAUSE (But Won't)

Pretend you work for Microsoft's Live@edu division. Your job is to get institutions of higher education to adopt your cloud...

Netflix's Qwikster Reversal and Higher Ed: 3 Lessons

The news from Neftlix CEO Reed Hastings "no change: one website, one account, one password … in other words, no...

EDUCAUSE 2011: 6 Things on My Mind

EDUCAUSE 2011 in Philadelphia is a week away! Are you going? What do you want to get out of the...

A Beautiful 'Grand Pursuit'

Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius by Sylvia Nasar One of the most important outcomes of a liberal education...