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Student Evaluations: Part 2 of 2

More thoughts on past student evaluations.

Student Evaluations: Part 1 of 2 (probably)

The evaluations are already in and they got me thinking.

What Are You Doing on Your Winter Break?

My break is filled to bursting with work -- and you?

Texas A&M Will Capitalize

Johnny Manziel won the Heisman Trophy. Texas A&M intends to capitalize.

It's Reckoning Time

End of semester grading is upon me.

CourseSmart Analytics Is a Bad idea

I will not be using this tool because I don’t care if my students read the materials assigned in class.

Papa John's CEO John Schnatter is a Moral Monster

Papa John's CEO John Schnatter is upset about "Obamacare." It's complicated.

Romney, Obama, and Vulnerability and Teaching Persona

A couple of viral videos caught my eye and reminded me of my first semester as a teacher.