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Proximity Doesn't Necessarily Mean Intimacy

(Re)Learning the importance of intimacy in education.

Re-thinking Twitter in the Classroom

Sometimes you need to have your eyes opened to fresh possibilities.

Google Glass and the Remembering Self

Google Glass can hold our memories for us. Is that a good thing?

Should a Student Haveto Try to Fail?

It's easy to fail a course, but it's also quite hard.

Thinking Context: No More Writing "Workshop"

Changing language changes attitudes in my creative writing classes.

On Hockey and Higher Ed

Higher education has a lot to learn from professional hockey.

NYT Magazine Blows One

The NYT Magazine published an essay about something that happened, but that doesn't make it the truth.

Recommended Reading: Adaptive Software and More...

Sharing some worthwhile essays on adaptive learning software, college sports, and teaching and social media ethics.