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NYT Magazine Blows One

The NYT Magazine published an essay about something that happened, but that doesn't make it the truth.

Recommended Reading: Adaptive Software and More...

Sharing some worthwhile essays on adaptive learning software, college sports, and teaching and social media ethics.

Not Lottery/Not Meritocracy, What Is It?

We need to stop looking at tenure track jobs as a lottery. They aren't.

Thinking Context: Professors and Teachers

Professor and teacher are not interchangeable words. Our students are unlikely to realize this.

Thinking Context: School Is Not the Hunger Games

First in a series about the role context plays in learning.

About That Facebook Home Ad ...

... that makes me want to throw a brick through my television. Not too many things can make me this angry.

That End of Camp (Semester) Feeling

I always get a little wistful this time of year.

Dear McGraw-Hill Education: Don't Pee on My Shoes and Tell Me It's Raining.

McGraw-Hill Education tells me that "adaptive learning is not meant to replace teachers, but help them." I'm not sure I can believe that.