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A Conversation About SketchFactor

The creators of a new app feel unjustly maligned.

To Modularize or Not to Modularize: That Is the Question

MIT thinks "the very notion of a class may be outdated." I think they're being silly.

Saying Farewell (Forever) to a Course

This semester will likely be my last one teaching fiction writing.

An Education Reading List for Bill Gates

Bill Gates will reportedly read anything to do with education. I have some suggestions. What are yours?

Education Is Not Like Eating at the Olive Garden

At the Aspen Ideas Festival, Larry Summers declares, "Let them eat breadsticks!"

On Publishing an 'Unanticipated' Book

Access to free books inside. Seriously.

The Costs of Big Data

What if technology is the disease, not the cure?

Thoughts on an Unsuccessful Course

One of my first year writing courses was especially challenging. I'd do some things differently with hindsight.