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The Ed Tech Garbage Hype Machine: Behind the Scenes

A big player in ed tech software sent me a press release. I'm as surprised as anyone.

Without Student Engagement, Nothing Else Matters

We have data proving that school kills student engagement. Bill Gates has the answer.

Education Reformers Don't Know What "College Ready" Means

In the words of Inigo Montoya: “You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.”

Buy a Book, Preferably Mine

I'm not above groveling for support.

To Potential MFA Students: There Are No Academic Jobs

Do not go to grad school thinking you'll become your favorite professor someday.

Thomas Friedman, Wrong...Even When He's Right

Thomas Friedman is a terrible, terrible thinker and columnist. I know, no duh.

Calling B.S....B.S.

I've come to recognize that I'm the world's greatest sucker. That's not entirely my fault, though.

We Could All Use a Little Tenure

If I had tenure, I could do some amazing things.