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NPR's Adjunct Workforce

Some interesting parallels between NPR's temps and higher ed contingent faculty.

Why I Started Blogging

What if blogging was part of everyone's job? (If they wanted it to be.)

The Non-Disruptions

What happens when the predicted disruption didn't occur?

A Failure to Get at a Problem's Roots

Hockey pucks for active shooters and other things I don't understand.

A Syllabus Is Not a Contract

At least, it doesn't have to be, if you don't want it to be.

Q&A with Joshua Eyler on 'How Humans Learn'

Joshua Eyler answers questions about his new book, How Humans Learn: The Science and Stories Behind Effective Teaching.

Diversity and the Pipeline Problem

In my experience as editor of a cultishly popular humor website, seeking diversity was a key to improving quality.

In Writing, Prescriptions Are No Cure

Here is my memory of the quadratic equation: plug and chug.