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Finding Writing Energy

School sometimes works against a vital element of writing.

Enthused About UVA's New Approach to Gen Ed

It's a problem when students think half of their college courses have no value.

A Hippocratic Oath for Algorithmic Intervention

First, remember that individuals are not averages.

Guest Post: 'The Years That Matter Most'

Akil Bello, someone uniquely positioned to observe the landscape of higher ed admissions, weighs in on a book lots of people are talking about.

Deadlines in the "Real World"

We require students to meet deadlines, but life is often more about managing them.

Waking Some Slumbering Writing Muscles

I used to do something all the time, then I stopped. Thankfully, the writing muscles are there, waiting to be reactivated.

The Missing Piece of Matt Reed's Data Puzzle

Institutional, "enterprise-level" data can't answer questions it isn't designed for. Sometimes we need to look to other methods.