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Guest Post: Teaching Home

Lee Skallerup Bessette makes a guest appearance sharing a profound teaching experience.

I Want to Take a Class

Maybe for the first time in my life, I'm really eager to take a class. Unfortunately, I'm not a student anymore.

A Man Without a Plan

Matt Reed's post about "alternate careers" and plan B's got me thinking.

Poised for Another Decade of Ed-Tech "Debacles"

Audrey Watters chronicled the "debacles" of the last 10 years. Does it seem like anything has been learned?

Farewell 2019

And thanks to the readers.

Is Writing to Text the Only "High-Quality" Curriculum?

Some bad notions of what helps students turn into good writers have been enshrined in curricular standards. We should root them out.

Continuing Adventures in Ungrading

There are always lessons to be learned.

Books to Give the Educator in Your Life for the Holidays

Books make great gifts. Some personal recommendations.