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Better Higher Ed Conversations for 2021

It's a time of change and crisis. We need to ditch the tired conversations that have gotten us nowhere.

Guest Post: The Strange Case of the Exploding Student Workload

Jody Greene, associate vice provost for teaching and learning and director of the Center for Innovations in Teaching and Learning at the University of California, Santa Cruz, explores a seeming conundrum.

The Research University Must Evolve

Students paying faculty to not teach is not a good thing. CU Boulder may be showing us a (partial) future.

A Teach-In Against Surveillance

Surveillance technology is destroying the relationships between instructors and students, and the tech companies are consolidating power. Resist.

We're All in This Together

Part of me hoped for a deus ex machina on restoring higher ed, but long term, it may be better this way.

An Activity for an Anxious Election Day

This was sent to me by a student using my book, The Writer's Practice, in her class. It seemed too good not to share.

Disruption Is the Enemy of Learning

The primary goal during our pandemic period shouldn't be to return to face-to-face instruction. First order of business is to avoid disruption.