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The Search Committee for Intelligent Life

Lessons about applying for academic jobs learned while being the graduate student representative on the search committee.

Lessons From a Road Trip

Sometimes you need to take a detour, slow down, and appreciate where you are in order to refocus on where you’re going.

A GradHacker Exam Prep Roundup

Looking back at past posts about surviving your written and oral exams.

Grad Student Reads: The Professor Is In

Preparing for the job market with the help of Karen Kelsky's book, The Professor Is In: The Essential Guide to Turning Your Ph.D. into a Job.

Who Are You?

What I learned about Myself and Managing Graduate School from Watching 90’s Sci-fi Shows.

Returning to the Classroom as a Student

Thoughts from a teacher on becoming a student again after a few years away.

Stretch Your Teaching Muscles

Lessons in teaching undergraduates from across the (imagined) Humanities/STEM line.

Sweet Slumber

While laughter may be the best medicine, sleep may be life’s master antidote.