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Food and Culture

I know a couple- or three-dozen writers well enough to know that none live by writing alone. (I don’t know...

Practicing Writing

Editor and writer Erika Dreifus has posted an interview with me that was originally in her monthly e-newsletter, The Practicing...

Soylent Green is Adjuncts

I’m gratified by the response to my last post, which got more comments than any other in recent memory, except...

An Adjunct World

Today’s news brought word of adjunct teachers in higher education being “hidden” by their employers in order to improve U.S...

Recent Book a Craft Talk for Writers

Isherwood on Writing (ed. James J. Berg, U. of Minnesota Pr., 2007) is a series of lectures by Christopher Isherwood...

Force Be With You

I’m tired but happy after my summer’s writing labor, feeling accomplished in the short interim before edits begin. It’s good...

Guest Book Reviews: Holladay

I'm pleased to bring you today the second installment of reviews by Katya Cummins, who will be reviewing books from...

What Month Is It?

So a funny thing happened on the way to summer: I sat down to start writing a book, and when...