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Film Resources

One of my former professors used to say that when he eventually retired he’d sit around all day in his...

The Fun of Novel Writing

I’d forgotten how fun, even exciting, the early stages of research on a novel can be. This week I’ve gotten...

Educating the School in Return

Starbuck, who’s seven, wanted to know the rest of the lyrics to the sea chantey “What Do You Do With...

Book Review: Imagining Paris

I have the sixth largest library in the United States of America. Technically it’s not mine of course, but I...

Love is Not Proud

Mrs. Churm, on the prospect of my being called for campus interviews: "I can’t believe you use that harsh deodorant...

Dull Statistics, Unless You're One of Them

I probably never mentioned it, but I’m originally from Southern Illinois, a geographically and culturally unique region that’s been marginalized...

Classroom Gaffes

When explaining how to prepare adequately for creative writing workshops, I ask new classes to take their peers’ work home...

Literary Cartography

Friend of The Education of Oronte Churm Dinty W. Moore has been getting attention for a story he recently published...