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O! How Time Hath Ravaged My Beautiful Etc.

Buceadores del ejército de los Estados Unidos, Isla Grande, República de Panamá, el día de Navidad, 1985. I’m the beautiful...

Maybe If We Were Ignorant

Larry called at midnight. “I went to see this improv show for the third time. How to describe it to...

Book Review: Poetry in Person

“Who was it that said, ‘To be human is to be a conversation?’” Pearl London asks Philip Levine. “I don’t...

Wednesday Wonder Cabinet for Independence Day

Andrew Jackson seems to be thinking: I’m not sure I can hold up under the weight. Warren G. Harding seems...

The Most Intelligent of Birds

Five inches of rain fell here in the first two weeks of June, after a wet May. Lush plants I’ve...

Definition: Canonical Literature

That which is portrayed on fake- book wallpaper.

Does This Make Me Transhuman?

An acquaintance who was a mid-level IT manager likes to remind me, every time I say I resist technology, that...

A Fantasy Fulfilled

My Uncle Paul was a funny, kind man. His friends called him Zip for his vitality and spirit, and I...