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Science Fairs and School Boards

My local school board continues to impress me. Last night the gym at TB's school was partitioned right down the...

Adjuncts and Accreditation

This article in IHE is one of those peel-the-onion pieces in which the more you think about it, the more...

The Girl at Play

I'll admit it: I want contradictory things for The Girl. I want her to grow up to be a strong...

Ask the Administrator: Professional Development in the Sticks

Right now I'm in the midst of an unbloggable circus, so letters are especially welcome. An earnest correspondent in the...

Ask the Administrator: CC Job Interviews

Several readers this week have asked variations on the same question. 'Tis the season, I guess. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earlier this year...

Measures and Rewards

One of the recurrent themes at the AACC panels was the difficulty in measuring the relative success of a community...


Yesterday I mentioned just how impressed I was by Kay McClenney's panel on the "Bridges to Opportunity" initiative of the...

Observations from the AACC

After my first full day at the AACC in Philadelphia, a few observations: The Inside Higher Ed crew is fun...