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Dr. Crazy has a nice discussion over at her place about battles over curriculum. As she details it, her department...

Four, Going on Thirty

The Girl is four, with big innocent eyes and a smile that could melt the Grinch. She also has juuust...

New York Times Misses Point: In Related Story, Sun Rises in East

Several alert readers sent me links to this story in the New York Times. The headline -- “In Tough Times...

Poster Children

This story in IHE is worth checking out, especially with all the comments. It's about Florence Babb, who is apparently...

Moments of Truth

The indefatigable Lesboprof has a great post up about a couple of legislators from Georgia who are using the economic...

Some Meetings Are Actually Useful...

As the year has become progressively more surreal, I've been finding much more value in the occasional meetings I have...

Process and Word Problems

Academic administrators aren't the only administrators on a campus. We routinely interact with the folks who run the business side...

Error and Failure

Yesterday's IHE has a worthwhile story about 'reverse transfers' – students starting at four-year colleges and then transferring to cc's...