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College Prep

Sometimes words don't mean what they seem to mean. We had a lovely vacation in a part of the world...

Staff Teaching

My college is grappling with this issue now, and I’m wondering how others have handled it. We have some twelve-month...

Strong Basis in Confusion

As someone integral to the hiring process at a public institution, I take particular interest in the New Haven firefighters'...

Lunch on the Lam

There was a time when I faithfully brought lunch to work. It was economical, and it saved driving, and it...

Umps and Academics

I just finished Bruce Weber’s new book , As They See ‘Em, which is about professional umpires. As a longstanding...

Friday Fragments

-- I don't often get excited about amending forms, but if President Obama is able to simply the FAFSA in...

A Real Forehead-Slapper

Why do so many states require only two years of math in high school? In a discussion this week about...

An Unmarked Car

Many years ago, in one of those gender theory seminars, I remember a remark to the effect that men have...