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This piece, and its attendant comments, stuck in my craw a little. It’s a discussion with an author of a...

When Students Can't Get Broadband

I’ll stipulate upfront that this will vary by region. In my neck of the woods, broadband coverage is just common...

Preparing for Dying Industries

Should a community college train people for the industries that are currently there, or for the industries that seem likely...

Taxi Medallions and Midwestern Zombies

Credit where credit is due: this story suggests that the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association -- the...

BIngo for Books

Last night TW and I took the kids to the local library for Bingo for Books. (It doubled as an...

Like a Thief in the Night

They don’t teach this stuff in dean school. I hear a rumor that a professor has moved out of his...

When Narratives Collide

As regular readers know, I’m a colossal nerd. One of my nerdier habits involves listening to Marketplace podcasts on a...


Although they’re invisible to many faculty, we administrators spend an increasing amount of our time on partnerships with various community...