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Let’s Play ... Spot the Contradiction!

It’s time for another round of every administrator’s favorite game, “Spot the Contradiction.” See if you can isolate the double bind that drives good people around the freakin’ bend.

Gift Cultures

I don’t think of myself as Scrooge, but this time of year the endless questions around “secret Santas” and informal gift exchange always crop up. Lesboprof’s take is particularly thoughtful.

What Do You Mean, I’m Not Graduating?

It’s the end of the semester, which means it’s time for some students to figure out that they’ve taken the “wrong” courses for their programs.


I’ve never really come to terms with taking attendance in college classes. Maybe it’s me.

Ask the Administrator: Easy Online Collaboration

I love this question. A longtime reader writes: I was chatting with a colleague yesterday. As we talked, a common theme emerged: neither of us has found a way to do the following: 1) Easily and collaboratively share and revise documents or other materials on our college’s content management system 2) Easily and collaboratively share and revise documents or other materials on our college’s course management system (or on other open-source course management systems used on campus) e.g create a moodle course for a particular committee or task force and use this as a space to get some collaborative work done on a project.

Long Term, Short Term

Why hasn’t the Great Recession triggered a massive restructuring of American higher ed yet?

Twelve Ways of Looking at a Lego League Meet

The Boy’s team competed in the local Lego league championships last weekend.