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Ask the Administrator: Should I Remain Pure?

A new correspondent writes: I've just started my first quarter as a part-time English instructor at a community college near...

Kids Today...

These three articles are all about the same thing: kids today... Tim Burke's piece details the issues of self-presentation among...

Netbooks for All?

A regular correspondent wrote to mention that his cc is considering mandating laptops for all students. We've given that some...

Where Enrollment is Down

The headlines about the enrollment booms at community colleges are accurate, as far as they go. But I realized yesterday...

The Hard Part of Transparency

My college, like so many others, has tried to deal with the Great Recession by having a series of public...

How Not to Balance a CC Budget

Out-of-state students! According to this article, several state university systems are now considering making deliberate moves to increase the proportion...

Sabbaticals and Layoffs

Should a college doing layoffs simultaneously fund sabbaticals? First, some context. My college doesn't have a publication requirement for faculty...

Seeing Like a Student

This in IHE contains a lot, and is well worth pondering. It has several posts' worth of material, actually, but...