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The Gap

I had a lightbulb moment this weekend. Simply put, there's a basic gap between the dialogue in higher ed, and...

In Which I Attempt to Watch Football

I can rattle off the many ways in which football is evil, but I still enjoy watching the very occasional...

Faculty Exchanges: Notes Toward a Proposal

Just thinking out loud here... Why isn't it more common to have, say, yearlong faculty exchanges between relatively nearby colleges...


Thanks to everyone who answered yesterday's call! It helped, actually. Doc made a comment that particularly struck me, and that...

Administrators You've Actually Liked: An Informal Poll

This one is intended for the faculty, though anyone with constructive ideas is welcome to participate. Think back to (or...


This story in IHE made me laugh out loud. Apparently, a community college in New Jersey briefly floated a policy...

Ask the Administrator: Is Re-Accreditation Worth It?

A new correspondent writes (edited for length and anonymity): [Her daughter] recently learned that the awesome, charismatic, incredible, passionate department...

Living a Lie

I've been back in the office since January 2. Prior to that, I had nearly two full weeks at home...