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Ask the Administrator: Charging Search Committees

A left coast correspondent writes: What constraints do people serving on hiring committees work under? In an attempt to make...

A Minor-League Baseball Game, Through the Eyes of Three Seven Year Olds

When do we get snacks? Now? Now? Stand up? Aw, man... I can do an armpit fart. Watch! Oh, yeah...


I had a conversation this week with a colleague at whose college, as at so many others, the level of...

Ask and Ye Shall Receive...

Before my sojourn, I asked folks to contribute any tips for academic job candidates going out on interviews. Lo and...

Interview Tips: A Bleg

This week a correspondent sent some good interview tips for faculty candidates, asking that I gather more from my wise...

While We Still Can

Next week...Roadtrip! I'll be channeling Clark W. Griswold as we give 'affordable gas' a Viking funeral by heading hither and...

Systems and Silos

This article had me laughing, smiling wistfully, and pulling what little hair I still have. It's frustratingly true. The article...

Ask My Readers: Expat Positions

I have no idea how to answer this one, but I'm curious, so anyone with knowledge is invited to comment...