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Past Non-Practice

"Past practice" is a magical, if murky, phrase. It's the status given, by default, to policies or practices carried out...

Committee Creep

This probably happens almost everywhere, but I'm noticing it more here lately. Committees are supposed to come in two flavors...


Actual conversation with The Girl last Friday: TG: What did you do at work today, Daddy? DD: It was pretty...

Administrative Salaries

This should be fun... In light of Wednesday's post, an alert reader sent me a link to this article from...


(or, in which I shamelessly use the blog for my own professional purposes) Hypothetically speaking, let's say that you worked...

Two Cultures

A focus at this year's meeting of college business officers has been how to reconcile the often discordant worlds of academic and business administration.

Ask the Administrator: The Emergency Hire

A hopeful/scared correspondent writes: I have a job dilemma and no one seems to be able to give me a...

Ask the Administrator: Deletes for Non-Payment

A returning correspondent writes: I have a "student as consumer" question for your blog. Our students have been able to...