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Ask the Administrator: Academic Blacklists?

A regular commenter writes: Currently I am applying for jobs for 2009-2010. My specialization is Central Asian history, but there...

The Return of Friday Fragments

Classes have started, and the usual first-week crises have ensued, so I'm far too wiped for a proper post. Instead...

In Which I Realize That We're Doing It Wrong

I've been slapping myself on the forehead all week, so I figured it would be safer to stop slapping and...

Ask the Administrator: Gifts from Students

A longtime reader writes: One of my students from last year came in today and gave me a t-shirt that...

The Dropoff

Although community colleges have a more age-diverse student population than most of the rest of higher ed, the average age...

Actual First Sentence on a Note Left by Our Plumber

"1st, do not be alarmed by the burning smell in your kitchen." Oh, goody.

Ask the Administrator: A Grad's Gotta Eat!

A new correspondent writes: I'm a graduate student (of the Master's variety) at a private university in {Very Big City...

Attachments and Speed Reading

I'm really growing to hate that little paper clip that comes with so many emails. On any given day, at...