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Friday Quotables

Charles Manning, chancellor of the Tennessee Board of Regents, acknowledged that adjuncts teach a large share of the classes at...

Responses to the Gates Foundation

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced that community colleges will be the next beneficiaries of their largesse. A...

A Promising First Novel

TB, who is in second grade, wrote his first novel yesterday. With names changed, and sans the distinctive illustrations, an...

Votes of No Confidence

(Happily, this isn't a concrete issue for me now. This just falls under "I've always wondered…") What are the rules...

College at 16?

An alert reader sent me a link to this story about New Hampshire. Apparently, the Granite State is considering funneling...

Tax Credits? Hmm...

According to IHE, President-elect Obama has supported a fully refundable tax credit of $4000 for the first two years of...

Turning Down Internal Candidates

This has recently become salient in my world, again. Internal candidates raise all kinds of issues – information asymmetry, historical...

The Morning After

I'll try to put together something a little more thoughtful for tomorrow; last night was spent glued to the tv...